Packaging Material Innovations: Eco-Friendly Shipping Options

Choosing eco-friendly methods is the top choice. It might not be flawless, but it's the only way to do things without harming our planet. Packing stuff usually uses plastic, and we all know that's bad. It's time for a change, so we're discussing ways to pack and ship better things for the environment.

Packaging Supplies, Shipping Supplies

Eco-friendly packing and shipping options
Here are ways you can pack and ship items in an eco-friendly manner:

1. Biodegradable packets: Biodegradable packets are a much more effective way to package your goods. It will reduce the hassle of storing and disposing of the packets. One can quickly remove and degrade this packaging, which will eventually be subverted. They are biodegradable and are neither hard to make nor take time to decompose.

2. Reusable Packaging: Reusable packaging materials might not be the best, but they're at least better than plastic, which can only be used once. You can easily make your own custom reusable packing supplies without much cost. It will also be better for the customers who get these reusable packing. Customers can also use these packings to store other items in their houses.

3. Edible Packaging: Edible packing might not be helpful, especially when your packed goods are about to travel for too long. However, it can be used for in-store sales of goods. It would be better if you use edible packaging on the goods to be delivered or sold immediately. Many companies use materials like seaweed and starch to make these packing supplies.

4. Water-Based Inks: Water-based ink might be less impactful for saving the environment. However, regular usage of this ink can eventually reduce environmental harm. You can use it to print packing and shipping materials. It's a part of eco-friendly shipping supplies.

5. Carbon-Neutral Shipping: There are many shipping companies and carriers around. Whether your shipping will be eco-friendly or not entirely depends on your choice. It would help if you always opt for carriers that use carbon-neutral shipping; this will minimize the release of carbon into the environment. It will help you prevent air pollution and make shipping and delivery of goods eco-friendly.


Using new eco-friendly packaging helps shipping be more excellent to the planet. These materials are better for the environment; some can be used again or broken down quickly.

You can rely on conquest distributors for all the eco-friendly packing and shipping supplies mentioned above. They offer their users the best eco-friendly shipping and packaging experience at the minimum possible cost.

The ArticlePackaging Material Innovations: Eco-Friendly Shipping Options was initially posted HERE
